Club Membership
We have someone at the Clubhouse on most days until mid morning. If you would like to try your hand at playing bowls please call in and see us at the Club.
We can arrange guidance for new bowlers at sessions arranged as required during the season. Leave a contact phone number at the Club and an experienced member can make arrangements for you to visit the green. This season introductory sessions are being held on Tuesday evenings at 6.00pm. Please phone the Club on 01242 528331 to check before visiting or if another evening would suit you better.
Membership Vacancies
We offer a friendly welcome to new members, men and ladies and juniors, to enjoy a busy summer of bowling competitions and matches.
Please click here for an application form in Microsoft Office format
or here in PDF format
for you to print off.
Completed forms should be sent to Hon Secretary, St George's Square, Cheltenham, GL50 3LJ.
More detailed information for new bowlers can be found here.
Club Constitution
No club can function without a Constitution. You can read the Spa version here.Privacy Policy
The Club Privacy Policy can be found here.Keeping up to date with club activities
Members will have noticed the digital information screen in the clubhouse entrance porch. Please let Trevor or any Committee member know if there is anything that you think would be useful on this screen.
Also two Google calendars are maintained that show all our club Events and Fixtures. The best way to access these services is via a calendar app on your 3G, 4G or 5G mobile devices (Android, iPhone, Microsoft). To do this the two calendar pages on this site have a button on the bottom right hand corner of the display which copies the calendar into your personal calendar.
The calendars do not replace our printed fixture cards or notices etc. This year again the fixture card will be produced from information in the calendar. The card will still be available as the main source of information on matches. It is hoped that using the new system will encourage more of our members to visit the club and support matches played on our green and social events held at the club.